People keep on asking me why I’m a #feminist, again and again, and it really makes we wonder. Because how can’t I? I’ve been a woman for 31 years know, I know women, I see them, I listen to them. How ignorant and silly would I have to be not to stand up for others and myself? How blind would I have to be to assume the fight is over? Even If you may think you’re liberated, it doesn’t mean your sisters are. If you feel treated equal, lucky you, but most of us don’t, because no, gender equality isn’t reached at all and it won’t ever if we don’t overcome the normalisation of all the fucked up shit that happens to girls and women everyday and everywhere. Feminism isn’t exclusively about you, it’s not only personal, it’s political, too and probably the only chance for those who aren’t as privileged as we/you are, for those who don’t have a voice. Raise yours. Because ️ / Unpaid Advertisement