Und manchmal fühlt sich dann plötzlich alles ganz leicht an und es ist egal, was danach kommt, weil das Bisschen für den Moment schon ziemlich viel und alles ist instagram_post – 05.06.2021 – @nikejane Artikel-Navigation ← Today I liked two things: Candies made of #muranoglass and learning about Hilma af Klint. When she died, aged 81, in 1944, she stipulated in her will that her work (1,200 paintings, 100 texts and 26,000 pages of notes) should not be shown until 20 years after her death. Was she in fact the first abstract painter, even before Kandinsky and Mondrian? „“Hilma is a disturbing artist.“ — „What does it mean? Do we rewrite art history? Can we get away with saying she is an outsider? Can we put her in a box? (…)“ — “Creativity is bigger than art history. Hilma is like Leonardo – she wanted to understand who we are as human beings in the cosmos.“ (Kate Kellaway for The Guardian) →Flowers, fruits, family & some art