Verliebtsein mit 30 – Link in der Story ️ instagram_post – 15.10.2018 – @thisisjanewayne Artikel-Navigation ← Meine Omi ️ (Aus „Komm, lass mich deine Ente sein“ @thisisjanewayne ) →First: Being a mum doesn’t make me less or more of a women. Second: Loving my job doesn’t make me any less of a mom. Third: I am a woman and a mum and I do have job, but pls stop using the label „working mum“ because every mom works, especially the ones who stay at home – they do a crazy fucking hard job, too. What about „working dads“? No need for a label, jap. #workingmum isn’t less than just another piece of discriminatory language – on many levels.